Category: News

  • British Cross River Gorilla Expert Killed in Cameroon



    Ymke Warren, 40, was killed by an intruder at the home she shared with partner and fellow gorilla researcher Aaron Nicholas in the coastal town of Limbe. The Cameroonian police are investigating. The couple were working on the Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project, run by the American Wildlife Conservation Society. They were studying Cross River Gorillas, the…

  • New UN Report Provides Update on Situation of Gorillas



    The Future for Gorillas in Africa is Getting Bleaker, says the Report, which was funded by France and the UNEP Great Ape Survival Partnership as a Contribution to the UNEP/CMS Year of the Gorilla. Accelerating Impacts from Poaching to Illegal Timber Trade are Hitting Great Ape Populations and Habitats Faster Than Previously Supposed. UNEP and…

  • YoG Epilogue, Thoughts on Copenhagen and More



    Happy New International Year of Biodiversity! This year the UN has broadened its scope to raise awareness of all biodiversity – the millions of species of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms with whom we share the planet. This is partly because the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) set targets for 2010 to reduce the loss…

  • The Frankfurt Gorilla Declaration – what now?

    The Frankfurt Gorilla Declaration – what now?



    Under the title ‘Gentle Giants in need” 160 government officials, experts, corporate representatives and conservationists from 20 countries attended a conference in Frankfurt, 9-10 June to mark the Year of the Gorilla. In the “Frankfurt Declaration” they highlighted major threats to gorillas and their habitats, as well as the strategies available for the conservation of…

  • Gentle Giants in Need: International Experts Issue Frankfurt Declaration to Call for Better Protection of Gorillas

    Gentle Giants in Need: International Experts Issue Frankfurt Declaration to Call for Better Protection of Gorillas



    Under the title ‘Gentle Giants in need” 160 government officials, experts, corporate representatives and conservationists from 20 countries attended a conference in Frankfurt, 9-10 June to mark the UN Year of the Gorilla, a global campaign to help implement the gorilla agreement. In the “Frankfurt Declaration” they highlighted major threats to gorillas and their habitats,…

  • Year of Gorilla UK to launch ‘Gorillas on thin Ice’ on January 15



    Year of the Gorilla 2009 Fund-Raiser Skates-Off at The Natural History Museum Ice Rink in London Thursday 15th January Photo Call at 10.30am 7 January 2009, London/Bonn/Nairobi — Nemo the Disney clownfish has done it and so have Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty— now it is time for ‘Gorillas on Ice!’ As part of the…